Nations & Cannons is looking for Convention GM’s!
We are excited to be returning to GenCon Indy this year. Last year we had an amazing time, running over 400 hours of games for more than 100 total players. This year, we are tackling an even more ambitious schedule, and we need help!
Our Events team is looking to recruit what we are affectionately calling “Adjunct GMs” to help us run games on-site at GenCon Indy 2022. The ideal candidate will already be familiar with Nations & Cannons 5E System, has experience running tabletop RPGs, and is already planning on attending GenCon. GM responsibilities will include the following:
Committing to running at least 4 total games throughout the 4 days of GenCon (each game is 4 hours plus a 15 minute set-up/strike down period before and after, for a 4 hour 30 min time commitment total). Games will have a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 players. (Almost all of our games sold out quickly last year so expect 6!)
Running pre-written adventures as part of play-testing for our upcoming Campaign Book, and taking/sharing feedback from players with the Design Team.
Being a positive and enthusiastic representative of Nations & Cannons/Flagbearer Games to players and convention attendees, and abiding by the Nations & Cannons Code of Conduct, which will be shared with the applicant.
Comply with all Covid-19 safety protocols and guidelines established by both the Convention and Nations & Cannons.
What we will provide GMs:
Key gaming materials, including the to-be published adventure module, pre-generated custom reusable character sheets, dry-erase writing utensils, custom rules sheets, battlemaps, and minis.
GenCon 2022 is a fully-vaccinated event, barring a medical or religious exemption. Applicants should be fully vaccinated by the deadline (to be determined by GenCon) in order to attend.
While this is not a paid position, we are able to offer several benefits, including the following:
FREE GM/Attendee Badge: We will cover the cost of your attendance badge, allowing you to take part in the convention outside of your scheduled games)
We will provide a daily stipend
A copy of our Core Rulebook for use in your games, yours to keep!
An invitation to the N&C Staff Party (including comp’d drinks!) at GenCon
Interested applicants should reach out to events@flagbearergames.com with the subject line “GenCon GM”
Equity and Inclusion Statement:
Nations & Cannons is committed to principles valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion. As such, we do not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, gender, creed, LGBTQIA+ individuals or groups, state of ability, nationality, citizenship, or other factors. We seek to foster an inclusive and welcoming gaming environment, and as such strongly encourage members of under-represented groups to apply, particularly people of black or indigenous background and women.