Tricks of the Trade
Spells for Spies, Informants, and Saboteurs
When operating behind enemy lines, it can be useful to have a trick or two up your sleeve. In a pinch, colonial light infantry could use the fog of war to hide from enemy patrols… or distract an enemy picket with a quick non sequitur. The most cunning saboteurs keep a barbed spike handy to block access to a key doorway, or spike an enemy cannon before it can be turned on their allies.
This is the second iteration of these spells (here’s v1) after receiving a lot of great comments from D&D subs! A lot of feedback for barbed spike asked why it was spell, instead of an object—we’ve added some additional language to the effect, and also made it a ritual for greater utility.
Fog of war has been updated as a scouting tool, allowing for limited mobility. We’ve replaced references to invisibility with “heavily obscured,” and clarified that the ability only works behind cover. This means it can still be used as a vanish effect, but is now dependent on line of sight.
Non sequitur has been completely reworked to focus on the surprise round! It can no longer be used once combat has begun, but now it’s a great way to open a fight, or to talk your way at the last second. Fun fact,the working title of this gambit was “Bilbo and the Three Trolls!”
GMBinder Link: Tricks of the Trade