Rapid Deployment
Infantry Spells to Storm the Battlefield
A Song, Composed by the British Soldiers, after the fight at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775:
It was on the seventeenth by brake of day,
The Yankees did surprise us.
With their strong works they had thrown up,
To burn the town and drive us;
But soon we had an order come,
An order to defeat them:Like rebels stout they stood it out,
And thought we ne'er could beat them.
About the hour of twelve that day,
An order came for marching,
With three good flints and sixty rounds,
Each man hop’d to discharge them.
We marched down to the long wharf,
Where boats were ready waiting;
With expedition we embark’d,
Our ships kept cannonading.And when our boats all filled were
With officers and soldiers,
With as good troops as England had,
To oppose who dare controul us;
And when our boats all filled were,
We row’d in line of battle,
Where show'rs of balls like hail did fly,
Our cannon loud did rattle…
These new spells give field commanders additional options to deploy their men and materiel. Whether by scaling mountainous terrain, requisitioning a squad of troops, or inspiring your men to fight on, take the fight to the enemy and win the day!
GMBinder Link: Rapid Deployment